RigCLOUD Instrumentation™
Next generation rig instrumentation and drilling dataMake informed drilling decisions based on quality data and keep track of operations while monitoring safety-critical parameters. Stay connected anywhere with real-time data on the web or mobile devices.
Rig Operations Support
Comprehensive solutions include: Electronic Drilling Recorder (EDR), Pit Volume Totalizer (PVT), gas detection, operations reporting and remote communications
Versatile Data Acquisition
Connect to any sensor or rig system through standard industrial protocols or custom interfaces
RigCLOUD Gateway
Consume high-resolution data using industry standard WITS/WITSML or your preferred protocol at the rig or data center
Performance Tracking
Manage rig and crew performance with automated daily and comprehensive end-of-well KPI reports
Remote Visualization
Stay connected to the operation at rig site in real time from any device
Related Resources: RigCLOUD Offerings

Smarter, safer operations
Manage well construction operations, ensure safety and drive performance with integrated digital workflows
Stay close to the field,
wherever you go
Go beyond remote monitoring and collaborate with your team at the rig site. Our platform seamlessly connects apps and users no matter where they are.

Dedicated to keeping your operations running
Our team of technical professionals is your resource to assist around-the-clock at the rig site or remotely.